Monday, May 11, 2009

Journey toward the Schwarzschild radius of a mass

Light transmitted towards the event horizon of a black hole will never complete the journey. Either the black hole will disintegrate or the light itself will disintegrate before the light can reach the event horizon. The incomplete journey illustrates how locations where time is dilated observe and experience an increase in the rate that things disintegrate. When a mass is compacted so that the Schwarzschild radius is near its surface, the very significant increase in time dilation at the surface results in a corresponding increase in the rate of surface disintegration, explaining the existence of quasars.

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Why black holes with permeable event horizons are perpetual motion machines

A perpetual motion machine is a hypothetical machine that violates the conservation of energy by producing more energy than it consumes. Because of the violation of the conservation of energy, perpetual motion machines exist only hypothetically, not in physical reality. Here is shown that penetration of the event horizon of a black hole results in a violation of the conservation of energy possible only in a hypothetical perpetual motion machine.

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The time barrier that prevents formation of black holes

As a mass is compacted to have a smaller and smaller radius, the escape velocity at the surface of the resulting sphere increases. If the sphere could be compacted to a critical radius (called the Schwarzschild radius) so that the escape velocity at the surface of the sphere is equal to the speed of light, nothing could escape from the gravity field. The result would be the formation of a black hole. However, the acceleration of time that occurs with increasing gravity erects an impenetrable barrier at the Schwarzschild radius that is able to prevent any mass from compacting sufficiently to form a black hole.

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